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The Thought Card: Travel Tips, Travel Hacking, and Financial Freedom For Financially Savvy Travelers

Oct 22, 2020

Shazia Imam is a life coach who helps women unlock their deepest desires and power so they feel worthy, see their own gifts, and live their purpose. She is also the host of Feminine & Fulfilled, a podcast that features real and raw conversations with female powerhouses. Meant to inspire and spark your inner power, it serves as a weekly reminder that you are brilliant, loving and highly capable.

In this episode, Shazia shares tips for embracing an abundance mindset, and why feeling wealthy doesn't necessary mean having a lot of money in the bank.


Connect with Shazia Imam

Podcast: Feminine & Fulfilled


Facebook: @shaziaTLE

Instagram: @thelifeengineer


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Connect with Danielle Desir 


Podcast Website:

Facebook: @thethoughtcard

Instagram: @thethoughtcard

Twitter: @thethoughtcard 

Pinterest: @thethoughtcard 

Join my Facebook group Financially Savvy Travelers


For all of the resources mentioned in this episode visit:

Read my new book Traveling With A Full-Time Job!